ANNIVERSARY Countdown (Count-Up?)

Today is Friday, March 7th, 2014. We were married 986 days ago, on June 25th, 2011.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Keeping the Printer Running

UPS is right; it's the logistics that'll make things go, or not.  When Moses brought the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land, the story goes that they spent forty years in the wilderness.  The driving distance between Cairo and Tel Aviv is about 250 miles, an hour or so longer than the trip from Logan Airport to the Four Corners of Middletown Springs.  Admittedly, they didn't have a fleet of brown vans or anything, but still, 130 feet per day?

That's about how I'm feeling right now.  Doing anything with 140 people turns out to be a pretty massive undertaking.  Yesterday and today, I've been doing page layout for signs.  (Side note: you'll hear a little bit next Saturday about our lullabies.  One of mine is to notice while I'm going down the highway just how many road signs there are: directional signs, mileage markers, construction warnings, speed limits, what gas stations are off the next exit... it's endless.)  I had no idea I was going to be in the sign business a week ago, but now there are a gajillion of them.
  • There are signs for the foot of the road to go up to the ceremony, and signs at the town green to get you to the reception.
  • There are signs for our house so that people can stop by.  There are signs AT our house to remind people not to let the cats escape, and to remind people how to treat a septic system gently.  (Nora wants a sign leading our gentlemen guests to the bushes next to the cemetery...)
  • There are programs for the ceremony.
  • There are signs at the reception helping people find their appropriate dinner tables, and signs at those tables so you know you've found the right place.
  • There are signs for parking, uphill and downhill.
  • There are signs just for fun, going up and down Many Springs Drive.
Next Saturday, Nora and I may need signs that say "Stand Here," "Go There," and "Breathe."

I think having planned and pulled off your own wedding ought to be included on your resume, as evidence of the organizational skills necessary to run a medium-sized business. 

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