ANNIVERSARY Countdown (Count-Up?)

Today is Friday, March 7th, 2014. We were married 986 days ago, on June 25th, 2011.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Le Jambon est Terminé! Vive le Jambon!

On Friday night at the potluck, we had bought cheese and crackers and meat products and buns and peanuts and chips and stuff, and Nora was a little worried about whether we'd be able to feed the number of people who might attend.  At the end of the night, as we were clearing lots and lots of leftovers, she said, "If I ever say again that I'm worried that there won't be enough food, you can tell me I'm crazy."

But the next night's reception was the mother lode of all leftovers.  Between Sissy's wonderful cooking and the generosity of Middletonians, we not only fed 130 people that night, but we've had Sunday lunch for 20 and dinner for 9, and then lunches and dinners throughout the week for ourselves and all kinds of drop-in friends.

Nora has had ham at every meal for five days.

But last night, we took a bag of ham to dinner at Nelson and Betti's, and left the remainder with them.  The Ham is Finished!  Though we still have:
  • half a pound of black olive tapenade
  • about a quarter pound of sun-dried tomato tapenade
  • a half-pound of cauliflower salad
  • four pounds of Humboldt Fog cheese (which we usually buy at about 5 ounces at a time)
  • remainders from all three wedding cakes
  • a fair amount of beer, wine, sparkling cider, and prosecco
At some point, we'll have to go grocery shopping again.  Maybe early August.

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