ANNIVERSARY Countdown (Count-Up?)

Today is Friday, March 7th, 2014. We were married 986 days ago, on June 25th, 2011.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

What Shall the Bride Wear??

One of Nora's friends in Middletown Springs once asked her why she wore so much black.  She replied that it was an East Village kind of thing.  "Huh?" replied her pal.  "Oh, that's my old neighborhood in New York.  Black clothes are kind of a uniform there."  And then her friend said the words that still warm her heart to this day.,, "But you're not a New Yorker anymore."

Those of you who already know Nora know that she's not a Cinderella, Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Phantom of the Opera sappy romantic.  So the wedding-cake bridal dress isn't exactly her speed.  And a veil??  Puh-LEEEZE.  She wears bold clothes, loves things that are an expression of their maker.  She wears bright jackets with large, sculpted collars.  She has orange shoes painted with Toulouse-Latrec graphics.  Her latest favorite is a handmade shawl that comes from the history of Korean gift wrapping.

So there's a fundamental problem here.  She COULD buy something to wear to the wedding that she could later wear to work.  That's probably what I'll do, just get another suit to add to the repertoire.  But something more unique, something she might wear to a gallery opening... that would be better.  I asked her last night, "If Barack and Michelle invited us to the White House, what would you wear?"  That's really about what we're aiming for, I think.

I could imagine something like this. Or maybe this.  But not that or that, and certainly not that!

I do know that she'll be wearing her carrots...  

It's surprising how something so small in the overall course of your life can cause so much stress in the short term.  In three months, nobody will care what either of us wore.  But it's hard to be convincing before the fact, and when there's a whole industry that depends on persuading you that their option is the only acceptable choice.

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