ANNIVERSARY Countdown (Count-Up?)

Today is Friday, March 7th, 2014. We were married 986 days ago, on June 25th, 2011.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


OK so H is the numbers guy in our relationship, and I am responsible for the garden. That isn't to say that he has never dug a shovel-full of ... fertilizer... or that I can't count, but there are areas in which we leave the other one to be responsible for making decisions. His is the kingdom of numbers hands-down. But I can't help looking at the stats on our blog.

It is always interesting to see where people come from and as you can see in the right hand column, we have had some really interesting visitors - well, their countries are pretty interesting even if we don't know that they / you are interesting. But there is something humbling in the other field that is available to us, which is to see what the search terms are.  For this month, 2 people have come to the site by looking for Maine coon cats, 2 people have been looking for mokume gane rings like our wedding rings, 4 people have searched on 53 (Herbie the love bug's number in the movie by that name), and fully 70 people have found us by searching for some variety of big dog, great dane, mastiff or other dog-related combo. Now it isn't that I am jealous exactly, though all the comments seem to come in response to Herb's posts (ok, so I AM jealous), or that I feel that my gardening is taking a back seat to his posts on Herbie the love bug (ok so as I already said...!) , or that I think there is something interesting in the chronicle of married life (at least Kathleen and Susan and my mother agree), but to have a full 89% of our visitors come to us  by looking for dogs?  And there have been 244 page views on that post alone, when all we get on the others are between 2 and 10. Harrumph! Even the cats are a little miffed. SO this post is in an effort to get some real attention... Here goes:

Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Kim Kardashian, Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black
Herman Cain sexual harrasment
Apocalypse, the end of the world as a movie, video game, rapture or other likely search term
The Meaning of Life
Tea Party
Maserati, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, McLaren 
Khalil Gibran

Ok... there... I am done pandering to the masses. I'll post something else in a day or two...once I start breathing a little more slowly.

Then again, I take it back. I am not sure I want to be that public! Strike that!

Welcome to those of you who have found us... We are glad you are here... Now I just need to get a Great Dane for Christmas....Maybe I will go back to sleep and see what I dream of THIS time.

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