ANNIVERSARY Countdown (Count-Up?)

Today is Friday, March 7th, 2014. We were married 986 days ago, on June 25th, 2011.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A dog's life....

SO I don't quite remember what started it, but I know it had something to do with my last post when I said I wanted to find a Great Dane under the metaphorical tree for Christmas.  H and I started talking about what kind of dogs we were and he said I was a Jack Russell Terrier. 

OK so I don't get that one at all, though he says I am always doing something, and that's probably true, though too often it involves the keyboard of the computer. Anyway, it is far more flattering than what I thought he might say about Bassett Hounds and Clumber Spaniels. 

Or the other pet we have talked about acquiring when we can fnd a place with a year round pool

But then I started thinking about what he was. He called himself a Corgi cause of the short legs... Not.

And then we got off the phone and I nailed it. He's a Border Collie! They are the smartest of all dogs and they spend their days herding sheep into tight little packets by lying in a crouch and staring at them until they figure they are better off in a clump than on their own. And then if they didn't get the message, the sheepdog nips at the hocks until they move where they are supposed to. 

And sometimes the dog has to separate one from the others by running at them til they decide that they the dog's ideas are really smart, and they go hover in a corner of the pasture.

So what does H have to do with sheep? Well some of you know some of his colleagues... I am not naming any names, ok? But some of them are sort of in need of being corralled into one place, with one idea. Some of them have been known to go off on their own, thinking they can find a different path, and he has to spend his days, convincing them that the consensual path is the best for all concerned.

So I was really happy with that analysis until H said he'd gotten a message from one of the people at the professional organization he works with. Not everyone is falling so easily into line on a conference he is going to be running. And sometimes a sheepdog's work can be a bit more than he expected...

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