ANNIVERSARY Countdown (Count-Up?)

Today is Friday, March 7th, 2014. We were married 986 days ago, on June 25th, 2011.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Watch This Space

I enjoy looking at business signs.  Not the big permanent ones, but the impromptu banners and posters that pop up in response to discovered needs.  Some of them mean exactly what they say.  "No Spitting on the Floor" is not a metaphor.

But some signs speak in code.  Closed for Renovation means "Never, ever coming back again."  Under New Management means "We recognize that our reputation is terrible, but please give us another try."  Everything Must Go!! means "We've been pretending to go out of business for seven years, so that you buy this $200 chair that we've marked up to $650 for half price at $325."

Watch This Space is another one of those.  Ostensibly it means "An exciting new tenant is arriving soon, and you'll be really happy about it."  But usually it's put up by the property management team, and means "We can't rent this damn space for the life of us, but we don't want you to start to think of this site as hopeless.  And we're NOT slumlords!"

In our case, however, Watch This Space is literal.  The weather forecast for the weekend is sketchy—some periods of rain, some periods of heavy rain, some periods where it'll be beautiful.  We're building out the contingency planning today, and will post updates if there are changes.  However, even if it's rainy tomorrow, we'll still be hosting the out-of-towners' grill at our house... we'll just cook in the garage, and huddle together, soggy and happy, in the lawn tent.  Beer and friends makes all well.

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