ANNIVERSARY Countdown (Count-Up?)

Today is Friday, March 7th, 2014. We were married 986 days ago, on June 25th, 2011.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


It's been a week of trying to figure out what comes first.  We're keeping what we call "the random list," because every time some little chore or detail comes to mind at random times, we throw it onto the list and put it into some kind of sequence later.

The title of today's header comes from Rich Hall, a former writer for Saturday Night Live.  Triorities are three things that all have to be done first.  So: hang the planter baskets or do the seating list for the reception or buy a new patio umbrella?  Finish the page layout for the program or do a run-through of the ceremony or wash the dishes?  Put in the air conditioners or make a bow for my hat or price out health insurance through the local Chamber of Commerce?  There's no sensible way in which ANY of these things comes before or after the other, but my being a kind of logical-sequence guy, I'm trying to understand whether there's a critical path.  And spending those 20 minutes to try to figure it out means 20 minutes that I'm not cleaning up the magazines in the bathroom.

Hence no posts recently.  But we'll be back with something longer tomorrow, promise.

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