ANNIVERSARY Countdown (Count-Up?)

Today is Friday, March 7th, 2014. We were married 986 days ago, on June 25th, 2011.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Road Trip!

So today, I'll be re-attempting my ill-fated trip to DC.  Remember that last one, the one that resulted in me leaving Logan Airport feet first on a stretcher?  Yeah, that one.  Let's try that again.

It's a stressful trip in any regards, but I have to say that I'm calmer about this trip than I was about the last one.  And the weather on the east coast is really springlike.  It'll be in the upper 40s or low 50s here today and tomorrow, and mid-50s and clear in DC.  As pleasant as that is, it's not right... but for the weekend, it'll be relaxing.

I had a phone call with a friend yesterday afternoon, in which we needed to talk about some serious things.  But she hadn't charged her cell phone, and she was in the third sub-basement of the monster conference hotel I'm going to tonight, so I was hearing literally about every tenth word.  I hate cell phones anyway. When I get a new one, I always tell the Verizon worker that I don't need a camera, I don't need an MP3 player, I need a telephone with good voice quality.  That's it.  Usually they look at me as though I was asking for a replacement axle for my stagecoach, but the last time, the guy was really nice. "Yeah, you want a flip-phone, because that puts more distance between the earphone and the mouthpiece.  And Samsung makes really good phones."  He could have stopped there, but he continued.  "And it's got the extra-large keypad, and the one-button 911, and the one-button emergency contacts..."  Oh, I get it.  The old guy phone.  Thanks, sonny.

I'll be back home tomorrow night, just a quick down-and-back. 

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